Tuesday, June 28, 2011

shopping local to lose packaging....

When i started this blog i was LOSING IT with the amount of packaging i was seeing go to waste...or to recycle bins. Obvious as it sounds...i have taken to shopping almost exclusively at our local farmer's markets - and after about 5 weeks of buying almost zero packaging - i have come to the realization that most of our food is packaged so it can stay safe on its (unnatural?) journey across the country/state/world...and to stay (unnaturally?) "fresh" on its travels.

So shopping locally has enormous benefits to our environment considering both food miles/transport and packaging.

The local foods that are packaged in unfriendly packaging - i am now campaigning to adopt better options...and my overall shopping experience is so much less disturbing ...it is enjoyable - actually than traversing the isles of supermarkets packed full of foods created with profit as the number one priority.

Some of the local bread i buy - SOL Breads is packaged in cellophane type bags - perfect to be reused for veggie shopping - to store cut pumpkins and other veggies needing some help to stay fresh in the fridge.

The best thing is most local produce is grown by people who care about the taste and nutritional value of their food. As a trained clinical Dietitian - shopping fresh and local has so many nutritional benefits - including the amount of plastic that finds it's way in to our food from product packaging.